Post by Ludovic HirlimannHi,
I took some picture of my hobbit powered bebox.
Damn right! Wow, that is nice, maybe a little more photos
and some technical information about the box. I have two
dual PPC beboxen, and many multi processor x86 bebox systems
(of course they are 3rd party, not Be Inc) and have some pages
up at
along with some other BeShare morons pages (some of which are
pretty nice folks, but mostly morons) with their configurations
as well as my quad intel PP200mhz based system with BeOS
R5.0.3 on it running just lovely
and many many more of other folks machines.
Thanks for your posting, great to see one of the few Hobbit
boxen around. What did you pay for it, and how much do you
guess it is worth on hte open market now. I would give you 500
USD for it :) hehehehe